Understanding Your Feed
Nitrates in Feeds
Knowing your feed nitrate levels can help eliminate issues with livestock health and possible death. There are several different factors that can cause high levels of nitrates in feeds, some of which are drought-damaged, hailed, stunted, or crops harvested before maturity. Studies have shown that high levels of nitrates in feeds that have been fed to livestock can cause a variety of different issues in livestock. It is best practice to test before feeding. If you have any concerns that your livestock have consumed feed containing high levels of nitrates it is best to contact your vet and send your feed to the laboratory.

Prussic Acid in Forages
Prussic Acid poisoning in livestock is mainly a concern when your animals are grazing the crops from the field. Certain types of forages are prone to contain higher prussic acid levels than others. After a frost or during severe drought if these crops are consumed livestock can die from respiratory paralysis.
If you are thinking of grazing a crop this year that may have been stressed, contact us for proper sampling and shipping instructions as to get the most representative sample possible for prussic acid testing.
Why Test your Feeds
The livestock industry has become more and more expensive to maintain and feed prices have risen over the past several years. Did you know that having your feed tested could help you make economical decisions and help you better understand your rations. As rations are only beneficial if the help the animal reach market weight, it is crucial that as producers you know what nutrients are in your feed rations so that you provide the nutrients needed.